What’s With the Unicorn?

Apr 5, 2024

So, What's With The Unicorn?

If you’ve visited our website or driven past one of our billboards or busses lately, you may have asked yourself “What’s with the unicorn?”. Well, here’s the backstory.

What comes to mind for many people when they think of law firms is costly legal fees, a lawyer that they can’t get in touch with, and a stressful experience. At Litco Law, we do things differently. Why not provide great legal service AND ensure that people feel cared for and supported by their legal team? This is exactly what we set out to do, and what we continue to work on improving every day.

We’ve been told that we’re the “unicorn of law firms” and it stuck. We’re a rare breed at Litco Law. We are the type of law firm that helps you, even if there’s nothing in it for us. You can always get a hold of our legal team, and you won’t get billed by the hour. Our office spaces are warm and welcoming, not intimidating. We offer technology that makes things so much easier for our clients. Our team members are warm and friendly, and they genuinely care. We love making our clients happy, and we want people to know that this type of service isn’t mythical. It’s what makes us lawyers you’ll love.

Fun fact: We named our unicorn “Larry” after our founder, Larry Litwiniuk. Larry started Litco Law alongside his wife way back in 1976 with the vision of helping as many people as possible. Now, today, that legacy is carried forward through his sons, Todd and Fred, and the incredible team that makes up the Litco Law people have come to know and love today.

So, there you have it, that’s the story of how Larry the unicorn came to be the official Litco Law mascot. Keep an eye out for Larry at your local hockey games, events, and more!

As always, we’re here for all your Personal Injury, Long Term Disability, Employment, and Class Action legal matters. Contact us today to speak to a member of our legal team. Consults are always free.


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    IMPORTANT! If you agree to an insurance company’s settlement offer, you give up your legal right to pursue a personal injury claim. It is best to assess the full extent of your injuries and how they will affect your life before you accept an offer. Please note that you have a maximum of two years from the date of the accident to file an injury claim in Alberta.

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