Cap for Minor Injury

Jul 5, 2021


Litco Law has been serving Albertans since 1976, and we’ve grown a lot since our humble beginnings… but one thing has always stayed the same. We still treat our existing clients and new friends like family, which means we’re always here for you when you need us! Today, we’re sitting down with our CEO, Todd Litwiniuk, to answer your question, “How does the cap work if I have a minor injury?” Tune into the video below or keep reading for his answer!

How does the cap work if I have a minor injury?

Todd: I think it’s important to know that if someone has told you “You have a minor injury and it’s likely to be subject to the cap, that’s all you can get”— it’s very important to seek the advice of a professional.

It’s not as simple as saying “Your injury falls into this category, and therefore you’re definitely going to be capped.” If we look at duration and severity of an injury, that’s one thing that can change your situation. If you’ve got an injury that’s more objective, like a break, a psychological problem, or a dental problem, that is another thing that can quickly and easily bring an injury claim outside of the cap. So, the most important thing is to seek legal advice.

There you have it! If you’ve been injured in an accident, you shouldn’t assume your claim will be limited. Even if you’ve been told by an insurance company that your minor injury won’t be worth much, it’s important to get a professional opinion! Our empathetic legal team will consider every relevant factor to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. At Litco Law, your first consultation is always free— and if you do decide to work with us, we don’t get paid until you do! Just give us a call or email, or send us a message in the chat to get started.

Looking for more legal FAQ? You can catch Litco Law’s CEO, Todd, in our last Ask a Litco Bro right here.


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    IMPORTANT! If you agree to an insurance company’s settlement offer, you give up your legal right to pursue a personal injury claim. It is best to assess the full extent of your injuries and how they will affect your life before you accept an offer. Please note that you have a maximum of two years from the date of the accident to file an injury claim in Alberta.

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