Is Your Claim Capped?

May 3, 2021

Welcome back to another episode of Ask a Litco Bro, where we talk all things law with our very own CEO and Personal Injury lawyer, Todd Litwiniuk. In today’s segment, Todd answers the top question “Is my claim capped?” and even pairs it with a little wine wisdom on the side. Watch the video or keep reading to learn more!

Is my claim capped? 

Todd: It’s very hard, in fact, almost impossible to look at a claim and say that it’s definitely capped or not capped. It’s something that requires a little bit of time and aging, almost like a fine wine. It’s the scenario where you have to wait and see how long your injury lasts, how severe it is, and how it impacts your life. Those types of thingsbacked with a medical opinion from your doctor, must be taken into consideration before a lawyer can take over and figure out exactly what the legal background is and whether your claim is capped.

In reality, most claims are not capped, and it’s very important to see a lawyer and attended a law office such as ours to get a free consultation to determine what you’re entitled to. And in that case, even where there is a small chance that your claim might be capped, there are still other areas that you can claim for other heads of damages, as lawyers would say, that you can make a claim for related to your accident.

There you have it. The lowdown on how to find out whether your claim is capped, directly from Todd. We’ve also written about Alberta’s claim cap more in-depth here. Still have questions? At Litco Law, it won’t cost you anything to speak to a lawyer. Just give us a call or email, or send us a message in the chat! And if you do choose us, we don’t get paid until you get paid.

In case you missed the previous episode with Todd, you can find it here.


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    IMPORTANT! If you agree to an insurance company’s settlement offer, you give up your legal right to pursue a personal injury claim. It is best to assess the full extent of your injuries and how they will affect your life before you accept an offer. Please note that you have a maximum of two years from the date of the accident to file an injury claim in Alberta.

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